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Agile Homecare Team: A Love Pioneer in Care Giving that is Truly Exceptional
staff assisting man to exercise

Our team of experienced caregivers provides quality care with love to your loved ones. We will be matching you with the right caregiver who can meet your needs. Our homecare services include:

Companionship/Sitter Services

Our companion services are dependable caregivers that provide support, light housekeeping, and companionship to our clients so they can function independently in their environment. Here are our services provided under this service:

  • Provide transport and escort services
  • Meal preparation and serving
  • Household tasks essential to cleanliness and safety
Respite Care

The respite care service lets family caregivers rely on our professional team of caregivers to manage their loved one’s care. While you rest and recover, your loved one receives expert care from our dependable caregivers. Here are our services provided under this service:

  • Provide Temporal relieve
  • Provide in-home care services to a family member and/ or loved one
  • Visitation assistance – hourly
Personal Care Services

Your loved ones can rely on our compassionate caregivers to help them in their personal care routines to stay clean but also promote their independence and privacy. Here are our services provided:

  • Provide bathing
  • Toileting
  • Dressing
  • Grooming
  • Shaving
  • Dental care
  • Eating
  • Exercising
  • Positioning
  • Assistance with self-administered medication
  • Routine hair and skin care
  • Transfer or ambulation

Medication reminders serve as a good way to stay on track and on an appropriate schedule. Our caregivers will ensure that your loved one is properly taking their medications and can help avoid unnecessary risk and serious illness. Here are our services provided:

  • Remind clients to self-administer medication at specific times according to the plan of care
  • Appointments
  • Dates
  • Routines
  • And more
Light Housekeeping

Provide light housekeeping of areas used directly by clients to maintain cleanliness and safety. Keeping your home well-kept is always important. You can count on your home being clean and managed by our professional caregivers to assist and support you to prevent your loved ones from getting an illness or having an accident at home.

Non-Medical Transportation

Transportation is also an important part of managing your loved one’s health. Our equipment can accommodate your loved ones to ensure a safe and comfortable ride. The team assigned to drive them is licensed and has undergone training for safety.

Children with Disabilities

Our professional caregivers will provide care for individuals of all ages including children with disabilities who are deemed homebound by a medical professional. To ensure that their needs are met, our team will conduct a thorough assessment of each client’s condition to develop a care plan that is tailored to their individual needs.

Please don’t hesitate to send us a message or call us if you have concerns or suggestions.